
Eight Product Photography Trends to Watch in 2024

Eight product photography trends to watch in 2024

How to make the most of visual media for your e-commerce brand

Are your current product photos museum-worthy, or are they just kind of . . . meh?

The quality of your product is important. But when it comes to the visuals for your e-commerce brand, beauty isn’t just skin-deep — your product photos are the first impression your potential customers get when they click on your website. 

A 2023 Deloitte study found that over 80% of shoppers considered product photos to be highly influential in their purchase decisions. Plus, research has shown that 63% of consumers say good product photography is more important than the product description. 

Do you ever wonder if your current brand images are up to par? 

The truth is, every site could use a little bit of sprucing up now and then. But trying to stay on top of the trends can feel a bit like trying to drink water out of a firehose. 

In this article, we’ll break down the importance of good product photos, and the top eight trends to watch in 2024. 

How can product photography increase sales/conversions?

Simply put, a well-taken product photo can make or break a potential customer’s purchase. Based on the visual information you (the brand) strategically present to them, they will either buy your product or move on to the next. 

There’s a lot of potential earning power in each image you choose to display on your site. 

Here are five ways good product photos could help increase your conversions and boost sales:

  1. Visual Appeal — Clear, well-lit photos that showcase your product from different angles can help customers get a better sense of what they’re buying — and encourage them to make a purchase.
  2. Builds Trust — As the saying goes, “Don’t trust everything you read on the Internet.” Visual evidence is crucial to prove to your customers that your product is as high-quality as you say it is.
  1. Enhances User Experience: Through the use of thumbnails, customers can do a quick scan of your site and find what they are looking for without having to search for the exact words in your product’s name.  When your site is easier to navigate, your conversion rates could increase. 
  2. Differentiation: Stand out in a crowded marketplace by showcasing your products in the best possible light.
  3. Reduces Returns: Help set the most realistic expectations possible for your customers and reduce the cost and time burden of returns. 

Current product photography trends

Long story short, product photos are non-negotiable when it comes to separating yourself from your competitors and making more sales. However, not all product photos are created equal, and as technology continues to improve, the world of product photography will continue to raise the bar. 

Here are eight of the top trends in e-commerce photography to help you stay ahead of the curve, and how you can start implementing them into your brand strategy. 

1. Authenticity

No more earworm-inducing jingles that get stuck in your head, or overly-cheery families smiling as they sit down to dinner at a vibrant, obviously-retouched dinner table. Consumers are over it. They want to know what your product looks like.

Tip: To achieve authenticity without sacrificing quality, make any retouches or manipulations to your photos as undetectable as possible. Don’t underestimate the power of natural lighting! 

2. Simplicity and minimalist design

In keeping with the theme of authenticity, a minimalist approach to product photography allows your customers to focus on your product without any distractions. 

Tip: Use a plain backdrop and try to get a clear, unobstructed image. Use color and props sparingly, but let your product be the main focus. 

3. Lifestyle images

Pro: These types of photos help your customers visualize your product in the context of what it would look like in everyday life. Con: Organizing a lifestyle photoshoot for every one of your products can be expensive and time-consuming. 

Tip: Utilize AI or 3D illustrators to create authentic — and affordable — lifestyle photos for your site.

4. Immersive experiences

Harness the power of increasingly popular Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies to showcase your product in your customer’s space, on their time. 

Tip: There are many ways to implement these technologies into your brand experience — virtual try-on solutions, preview placement (i.e. seeing how a furniture item like a couch will look in your living room,) interactive user manuals and social media filters are just a few examples. 

5. AI editing

Artificial Intelligence is a great tool for the editing process. Through services like Vance AI, Pic app and Adobe Sensei, you can make your photos more precise, clear and, ultimately, appealing to your ideal customer. 

Tip: AI-generated images can be helpful to a point, but especially as they become more popular and accessible, maintaining an element of human touch in your creative process will continue to set you apart from your competition.  

6. Highlight sustainability

Today’s consumers care about their impact on the environment. A recent McKinsey survey found that 66% of all participants (and 77% of millennials) consider a product’s sustainability before making a purchase. 

Tip: Visually highlight the elements of your product (materials, packaging, etc.) that make it more sustainable than the competition. 

7. Product animation

Animating how a product is built, or how it might look in a space like your ideal customer lives in, is just one more tool for making your product come alive and enhancing the user experience. 

Tip: Add a brief CGI video or animation and add it to your e-commerce site to demonstrate how to assemble your product and/or to give your customers an immersive, close-up view. 

8. 360-degree view

This serves as another part of the immersive visual experience, where customers can see the entirety of a product (often by clicking a button to spin it around, granting them greater control over their purchasing experience.) 360-degree product photos are a great way to reduce returns. 

Tip: You may need a special camera rig or software like Iconasys or Webrotate to stitch together multiple images. 

A picture is worth a thousand words . . . but for product photos, just think one word: Nogin. 

Did you know that Nogin offers product photography (and videography)? When you work with us, we’re on your team every step of the way to create the most stunning, immersive visuals that will help you stand out from the crowd. 

To find out more, set up a free introductory convo with one of our Nogin experts. We can’t wait to meet you.

Product Photography Trends FAQ

What is the trend in photography in 2024?

In 2024, photography trends focus on authenticity, minimalist design, and the use of advanced technologies like AI and AR/VR. Emphasis on sustainability and immersive experiences are also shaping the industry, with photographers leveraging natural lighting and reducing digital manipulations.

What are the headshot trends for 2024?

Headshot trends in 2024 include natural lighting, candid poses, and minimalist backgrounds. There is a growing preference for authentic, less retouched images that reflect the subject’s personality and professionalism.

What is the flash photography trend in 2024?

Flash photography in 2024 is moving towards softer, more natural lighting. Techniques like bounce flash and diffused lighting are popular to avoid harsh shadows and create a more flattering, even illumination.

What are the photo backdrop trends for 2024?

Photo backdrop trends for 2024 include minimalist and neutral backgrounds, natural textures, and eco-friendly materials. Seamless paper backdrops in muted tones and real-life environments are also popular to enhance authenticity.

Is the photography industry growing or declining?

The photography industry is experiencing growth, driven by advancements in technology, increased demand for visual content in digital marketing, and the rise of social media platforms that prioritize image sharing.

What is the future of photography business?

The future of the photography business lies in integrating advanced technologies like AI, AR/VR, and automation. Customization, personalization, and sustainability will be key drivers, with photographers offering immersive and interactive experiences.

What is the future demand for photography?

The demand for photography will continue to rise, especially in digital marketing, social media, and e-commerce. Businesses will seek high-quality visual content to enhance engagement and drive sales, ensuring a steady demand for professional photography services.

Will photography be replaced by AI?

While AI will significantly impact photography by enhancing editing and automating certain tasks, it is unlikely to completely replace human photographers. The creativity and personal touch of human photographers will remain valuable and irreplaceable.

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