
Influencer Marketing: A Game Changer for D2C E-commerce

influencer marketing for ecommerce

In today’s digital age, influencer marketing has become a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their target audience and drive brand growth. This blog explores the concept of influencer marketing, its benefits for ecommerce brands, and provides a comprehensive guide on how to launch a successful influencer campaign. Additionally, we’ll explore the various types of influencers and reveal the top three types of influencer marketing campaigns that can take your D2C ecommerce business to new heights.

What is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing is a form of marketing that involves leveraging the popularity and credibility of individuals, known as influencers, to promote products or services to their dedicated followers. 

Influencers have a significant following on social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, and they can influence their audience’s purchasing decisions. Ecommerce brands can leverage influencers to promote their brand, generate website traffic, and improve customer sentiment. 

what is influencer marketing?

Why is Influencer Marketing Valuable?

Influencer marketing is valuable because it allows brands to tap into the trust and authenticity that influencers have established with their audience. 61% of consumers trust influencers’ recommendations compared to only 38% that trust branded social media content. Shoppers are more likely to consider suggestions from people they admire and follow, making influencer marketing an effective strategy to drive brand awareness, increase conversions, and foster brand loyalty. 

Benefits of Influencer Marketing for Ecommerce Brands

Incorporating influencer marketing into your ecommerce strategy offers a range of valuable benefits. By leveraging influencers to promote your online business, you can:

1. Reach a Wider Audience

Influencers have cultivated dedicated followings of engaged individuals who trust their recommendations. Partnering with influencers allows you to tap into their audience, expanding your reach and attracting potential customers who align with your target market. This exposure to a larger and more relevant audience enhances brand visibility, boosts awareness of your products or services, and increases the potential for customer acquisition

Consider targeting younger demographics to maximize the return on your influencer marketing efforts. Gen Z and Millennials are most likely to respond to influencer marketing campaigns, while Gen X and Baby Boomers are less receptive. 

influencer marketing reach by generation

2. Build Brand Credibility and Trust

Influencers are viewed as authentic voices within their niche. When they endorse your brand, it adds credibility and authenticity to your products or services. This endorsement serves as social proof, instilling trust in your brand among their followers. 

However, brands should be careful when partnering with influencers. The rise of social media influencers has drastically increased in the past decade, and a study found that 42% of respondents agreed that they see too much branded content on social media. The negative attitude towards branded content could be due to consumers’ awareness of disingenuous endorsements, which is the top reason people unfollow influencers. When partnering with influencers, ensure they genuinely like your products and can be an authentic brand ambassador. 

why people unfollow influencers

3. Create Compelling and Engaging Content

Influencers are skilled content creators who understand their audience’s preferences. You can leverage their creativity and storytelling abilities through collaboration to produce captivating content that resonates with your target market. This content showcases your brand in an authentic and engaging manner, capturing the attention of potential customers and compelling them to explore your ecommerce store further. 

Influencer marketing campaigns deliver 11X ROI over other forms of digital marketing, and 60% of marketers believed influencer marketing had a better return on investment (ROI) than traditional advertising. Great influencer-generated content seamlessly blends into social media feeds rather than sponsored ads to create more meaningful brand experiences. 

4. Refine Audience Targeting and Boost Conversions

Influencers have carefully curated audiences that align with their niche and interests. You can achieve more precise audience targeting by partnering with influencers whose followers closely match your ideal consumer market. This allows you to direct your marketing efforts toward individuals more likely to be interested in your offerings. As a result, influencer marketing can drive higher conversion rates as you connect with an already receptive audience to your brand and its offerings.

3 Best Free Influencer Marketing Tools

Brands can use influencer marketing to grow their business in many ways. However, you’ll need the right tools to identify the best collaborators to contact. If you’re trying to find the right influencer for your next marketing campaign, start by checking out some of the following free tools: 

1. Grin

Grin is an influencer marketing platform that helps brands streamline their influencer campaigns. It offers features like influencer discovery, relationship management, campaign tracking, and analytics. Grin provides a centralized hub for managing and communicating with influencers, making it easier to collaborate and measure the success of your campaigns. 

Grin offers a free influencer marketing platform with basic influencer search and relationship management features. You can search for influencers, create lists, and manage communication with influencers. While some advanced features are only available in the paid version, the free version can be a good starting point for small-scale influencer campaigns. You can also download their free Chrome extension to evaluate influencers for your next campaign. 

Grin influencer marketing tool example

2. Klear

Klear is a comprehensive influencer marketing platform that offers influencer discovery, campaign management, and performance tracking. It provides detailed insights and analytics to help brands identify the most relevant influencers for their campaigns and measure the impact of their collaborations. 

Klear offers a free version of its influencer marketing platform, providing basic influencer discovery and analytics. You can find Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube influencers along with relevant bloggers to collaborate with on your next project. They also offer a Chrome extension to help you identify potential influencers in your Twitter feed. 

klear influencer marketing tool example

3. Hunter is a tremendous free influencer marketing tool because it simplifies the process of finding email addresses for outreach. It allows you to find email addresses associated with a specific domain or company and verify emails before you begin your prospecting efforts. Hunter.iO also provides excellent cold email templates and free video training sessions to help you land more successful influencer collaborations. 

Hunter influencer marketing tool

3 Best Premium Influencer Marketing Tools

While there are many great free influencer marketing tools you can use, consider looking into some premium options for more advanced features and comprehensive functionality: 

1. NeoReach

NeoReach is an all-in-one influencer marketing platform that simplifies the influencer discovery and campaign management process. It offers robust analytics, real-time tracking, and influencer relationship management features. Use their influencer marketing software to gain access to over 5 million influencers’ data and analytics. NeoReach also provides AI-powered tools to identify influencers with genuine engagement and fraud detection to spot fake accounts. 

NeoReach influencer marketing tool

2. Captiv8

Captiv8 is a leading influencer marketing platform that allows brands to plan, discover, manage, and measure influencer partnerships in one place. Find the right partners using their extensive database, and with more than 500 search filters at your disposal, you can better identify the right collaborators to prospect for your next campaign. Captiv8 offers stellar reporting tools to track a variety of KPIs and real-time performance monitoring so you can get the most out of your influencer marketing efforts. 

Captiv8 influencer marketing tool example

3. HypeAuditor

HypeAuditor is an influencer marketing platform focusing on influencer authenticity and audience quality. It uses AI-powered tools to detect fake followers and engagement, ensuring brands collaborate with influencers who have genuine influence. 

HypeAuditor integrates with major ecommerce platforms, such as Shopify and WooCommerce, and gives you the tools you need to effectively and efficiently manage collaborations. Reach out to the influencers straight from HypeAuditor, manage proposals, send product samples without hassles, and easily handle invoices all in one place. 

HypeAuditor influencer marketing tool

5-Step Influencer Marketing Strategy Template for D2C Ecommerce Brands

Creating an effective influencer marketing strategy is crucial for D2C ecommerce brands to leverage the power of influencers and drive growth. By following a well-defined plan, you can maximize the impact of your campaigns and achieve tangible results. Here is a 5-step influencer marketing strategy template to help you navigate the process:

Step 1: Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Define your goals for the influencer marketing campaign. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or expanding reach, clearly outline what you aim to achieve. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success, such as engagement rate, website traffic, or conversions.

Step 2: Identify Relevant Influencers

Research and identify influencers who align with your brand values and target audience. Consider factors such as their niche, follower count, engagement rate, content quality, and audience demographics. Use influencer discovery tools or conduct manual research to find the right influencers who can effectively reach your desired audience.

Step 3: Develop Authentic Partnerships

Approach influencers with a personalized and authentic pitch. Clearly communicate how your brand aligns with their values and why you believe it would be a beneficial partnership. Collaborate with influencers to create engaging and compelling content that resonates with their audience while promoting your brand naturally.

Step 4: Track and Measure Performance

Monitor the performance of your influencer campaigns using analytics tools. Track key metrics such as reach, engagement, website traffic, and conversions. Analyze the data to identify successful strategies and optimize future campaigns. Continuously measure the ROI to ensure your influencer marketing efforts deliver tangible results.

Step 5: Nurture Long-Term Relationships

Building solid and long-term relationships with influencers is essential. Cultivate partnerships beyond individual campaigns by providing ongoing support, engaging with their content, and offering exclusive opportunities. This fosters trust, loyalty, and a deeper connection between your brand and the influencers, leading to more impactful and authentic collaborations.

Seven Types of Influencers

Influencers come in various sizes and categories, each with its unique advantages. Understanding the different types of influencers can help you select the most suitable ones for your next ecommerce campaign and help nurture new visitors through your conversion funnel. Here are the seven main types of influencers:

1. Nano Influencers

Nano influencers have a smaller follower count, typically between 1,000 and 10,000 followers. Despite their smaller reach, nano influencers often have a highly engaged and loyal audience. Partnering with nano influencers allows for more personal and authentic connections with their followers.

In fact, HypeAuditor found that nano influencers generate the highest engagement rates (5%). Engagement typically decreases as follower counts increase across influencers, with celebrity influencers producing an average 1.6% engagement rate.  

nano influencer example

2. Micro Influencers

Micro influencers have a slightly larger following than nano influencers, usually ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 followers. They often specialize in a particular vertical and post content specifically around their niche. Although micro influencers aren’t typical celebrities, experts, or public figures, 82 percent of consumers are likely to buy something a micro influencer recommends because of their passion and expertise in a specific field. 

micro influencer example

3. Mid-Tier Influencers

Mid-tier influencers have a significantly larger follower count, typically from 50,000 to 500,000 followers. Although they may not have celebrity status, mid-tier influencers spent years gradually building their following through consistent posting, nurturing a devoted fan base. They have often developed an engaged audience of followers and can create authentic, well-produced content. 

Mid-Tier influencer example

4. Macro Influencers

A macro influencer is an individual with a significant social media following, typically ranging between 500,000 to 1 million followers. They are significantly more expensive to collaborate with than nano or micro influencers due to their wide audience. However, brands may experience a lower engagement rate due to the follower-to-engagement ratio. Despite this, macro influencers typically produce more professional-looking content, which may align better with certain brand audiences and goals.

Macro-influencers example

5. Celebrity (Mega) Influencers

Celebrity (mega) influencers are well-known personalities in the entertainment industry, sports, or other fields. They have a massive audience of more than a million followers and can provide unparalleled visibility for your brand. While celebrity influencers can offer substantial reach, it’s essential to ensure their audience aligns with your target market to maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns. (Check out some of our favorite celebrity collaborations.)

mega influencer celebrity influencer example

6. Thought Leaders and Industry Experts

Thought leaders and industry experts are influencers who have established themselves as authorities in specific industries or areas of expertise. They often amass a strong following by producing content around their specialty and educating their audience. Partnering with thought leaders can enhance your brand’s credibility and attract a highly targeted audience. 

Thought Leaders and Industry Experts influencer example

7. Bloggers and Content Creators

Bloggers and content creators have a robust online presence through blogs, vlogs, or other content platforms. They produce informative and engaging content in various formats, such as articles, videos, or podcasts. Collaborating with bloggers and content creators can help you tap into their loyal audience and develop content highlighting your products’ benefits.

influencer blogger example

Successful Influencer Marketing Campaign Examples

In 2022, the influencer market in the U.S. was valued at a record 16.4 billion. Many brands capitalized on the new media landscape to promote their products and introduce their company to new people. Check out some of our favorite influencer marketing campaigns to get inspired. 


Häagen-Dazs partnered with New York City’s local influencers to promote ice cream as a summer essential. The campaign reminded consumers that no matter the event, Häagen-Dazs makes their summer activities sweeter, better, and more fun. They even tapped into timely NYC political events around open container laws, promoting followers to use #HDOpenContainer in social posts and Häagen-Dazs BOGO (buy one get one) promotions. 

Kendall Kremer, a motherhood and travel influencer, hosted a rooftop summer ice cream sundae party highlighting Häagen-Dazs’ buy one get one free offer, while Influencer Katelyn Calautti shared a sponsored blog on how to host a summer party with Häagen-Dazs ice cream. The Häagen-Dazs Open Container campaign generated 14.3 million impressions and 27,400 social engagements (a staggering 400% above the average engagement rate). 

#HDOpenContainer successful influencer marketing campaign example


UGG launched an influencer campaign for Fall 2022 to celebrate a return to colder weather. They collaborated with fashion influencers and encouraged them to show off their Tasman Slippers, which had gone viral on Instagram and TikTok. Molly-Mae Hague, Jordan Baugh, and Viviane Audi participated in the campaign and promoted their UGG gear using the hashtag #uggseason. 

UGG’s own influencer content, featuring partnerships with Kenya Brown and Emma Winder, also played a crucial role in the campaign’s success by combining genuine product recommendations and outfit inspiration. The campaign was a resounding success, and the UGG brand saw net sales increase 24.7% to $374.6 million in Q4 of 2022

UGG Season influencer marketing example campaign


Gymshark successfully utilized influencer marketing in its #Gymshark66 campaign, which gained significant traction on TikTok and Instagram. The campaign aimed to engage the community by encouraging positive habits and an active lifestyle for 66 days, with the reward being a year’s supply of Gymshark products. 

They partnered with Six sports and athlete influencers to promote the challenge on TikTok and Instagram, including Twin Melody, whose video received over 751K likes and 4950 shares. Gymshark also utilized Instagram’s IGTV for the “Stories of the 66” video series, showcasing individuals and their experiences with adopting healthier habits. The campaign garnered impressive results, with 252.6 million TikTok views and 785,000+ Instagram posts. Gymshark’s continuous sharing of helpful resources and tips throughout the challenge contributed to participant motivation and completion.

Gym Shark successful influencer marketing campaign example

Top 3 Types of Influencer Marketing Campaigns for Ecommerce

There are many different ways you can collaborate with an influencer. For D2C ecommerce brands looking to produce tangible results, focus on the following three kinds of influencer marketing campaigns to get the most bang for your buck:

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a strategy where influencers promote your products or services and earn a commission for every sale generated through their unique affiliate links. This strategy incentivizes influencers to actively promote your brand and can drive significant sales and conversions. By tracking affiliate sales, you can measure the ROI of your influencer campaigns.

2. Giveaways and Contests

Giveaways and contests are highly engaging strategies that can rapidly grow your ecommerce brand’s following and increase brand awareness. By offering enticing prizes such as free products, influencers incentivize their followers to engage with your brand and share the opportunity with their network. 

To maximize participation, center your contest around a valuable offering that entices people to take part. Clearly outline the giveaway instructions and criteria for selecting winners, keeping the entry steps simple and accessible, such as liking, sharing, commenting, tagging friends, or following your social media channels.

3. Influencer-Generated Content

Influencer-generated content involves partnering with influencers to create authentic and engaging content showcasing your products or services. Encourage influencers to share their experiences, reviews, or creative content featuring your brand. This strategy increases brand visibility and leverages the influencer’s storytelling abilities to connect with their audience on a deeper level.

Need Help Coordinating Your Next Influencer Marketing Campaign?

influencer marketing services for ecommerce

With the right influencer marketing tools and a well-planned campaign strategy, ecommerce brands can harness the power of influencer marketing to drive significant growth. However, there’s a lot more you’ll need than just influencer marketing to grow a successful D2C brand. 

Nogin’s Commerce-as-a-Service (Caas) solution is designed to right-size operating costs and maximize your ecommerce growth using the best-in-class enterprise ecommerce technology and expert services. Our advanced technology sits on top of Shopify Plus and includes an omnichannel CDP purpose-built for mid-sized brands. Our CaaS approach includes an innovative ecommerce staffing solution that gives you fractional access to our team of Nogin Nerds who effectively function as an extension of your own team to manage and grow your ecommerce business. 

Here are a few of the many benefits you can expect from plugging into Intelligent Commerce:

  • AI-Powered Customer Segmentation: Build and optimize customer segments by leveraging over ten years of anonymized data mined from Nogin’s CaaS technology.
  • Algorithmic Merchandising: Automatically extend native merchandising capabilities with sophisticated features predicting both shopper behavior and inventory constraints.
  • Smart Promotion Optimization: Maximize campaign potential with channel-sensitive, self-optimizing A/B testing and campaign optimization features and automatically create coupons and other infrastructure required for testing.
  • Enhanced Shopify Theme: Our Luminate Theme is endlessly customizable and comes pre-linked with many of the top apps—including Klayiyo, Yotpo, Postscript, and Nosto—making integration a breeze and eliminating the need to pay for a development agency.
  • Enterprise-level Tools: Intelligent Commerce supercharges Shopify with over 40 market-leading features that improve conversions, reduce customer acquisition costs, and lower shipping and returns costs. 

Nogin is a different approach to enterprise ecommerce, and the results speak for themselves:

  • Conversion rates improve by an average of 40% on our platform.
  • Marketing spend efficiency increases by 30% with our CDP.
  • Increased personalization drives a 15% increase in revenue.

There are no upfront replatforming costs, and instead of waiting for up to a year to complete the migration, we can get you live in under eight weeks! Schedule a consultation with one of our knowledgeable Nogin experts and discover how our Intelligent Commerce solutions can revolutionize your D2C ecommerce business.

Free Guide: 6 Strategies for Effective Personalization

Learn how to craft an ideal experience for your customers by using AI-powered customer segmentation, algorithmic merchandising, smart promotions, and more.